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Foot Care Tips

Trend, Tight Shoes and Bunions

A bunion is no joke, when appears on your foot make you miserable. Don’t take it lightly because it is a medical condition which may lead to a horrible pain. You should be careful for them, because as the time passes away their condition became worse.

It appears on the foot of women in comparison to men. Mostly this condition runs in families. To deal with them is troublesome. It has a shape of an extra bone or bag-like appearance which is full of fluid; grow at the base of big toe. Now it you want to get rid of them, always purchase comfortable and easy shoes, for ladies there is a warning for them that if they are in a habit of wearing high heels, that may put a great deal of pressure on the MTP areas and cause corns, so they should also be avoided. It is an avoidable advice for them to prevent bunions by selecting not only actually fit shoes, but it will be better that they are somewhat a little loose. Be careful about the tips, it should be proper. I am sure that you might not have to embarrass with nasty and horrible bunions ever again.


Mostly it depends on your lifestyle. Now-a-days narrow-toed, high-heel shoes are in trend. The people who want to manage themselves with the latest fashions, they can lead to the emergence of a bunion, not only this, but the patients who have abnormal feet bones may have a bunion at any point in their life. It is not surprising that some people use comfortable shoes and give ease to their foot, but even they get bunion, they must be extra careful when they are going to purchase shoes.


When you feel a red, lifeless portion on the inside edge of the big toe, you take it as first symptom of the bunion. You may feel pain over the joints. Relax and think over it, what is the matter? It may be due to your tight shoes, the pressure from shoes may cause an additional pain on that spot. Be careful there is another symptom that you will see your toe is turning towards the other toes at the joint. It is advisable to visit a doctor for a proper treatment, because it may be the pain of arthritis. In which the joint give pain in old age and cause very much trouble.


When you see a bunion is appearing on your foot change the shoes, take soft, supple and loose shoes rather than tight one. There should be enough room for your toes to move inside the shoes. It is the first treatment, it may give you relief and you overcome your problem. That’s all, you are no need to run here and there and take any additional treatment. To buy foot pads is also a good treatment. The pads put a gap in between the big toe and the other one at those hours when you are in bed and sleeping deeply. Sometimes the bunion gives you extensive pain and any treatment didn’t suit you, then there is only cure for to let it operate. For surgery consult a surgeon. Remember it that the recovery of surgery takes time and some people can’t spare so much time.


It is not necessary to keep your foot in shoes, when you are at home, get rid of shoes and go to and fro in bare foot. This will give you cool and comfort. Whereas to control over bunion is very easy, take loose shoes and thick socks. The socks will cover the looseness. You should remember that if you notice any appearing bunion, take action, so it won’t get worse. The pointed toe and high heels are trendy, but in comparison to the fashion, your health is more important. So, choose your shoes wisely.

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